BrainGate News
Tufts University, together with alumnus Jeff Stibel and his partners, announced in 2020 the donation of BrainGate, Inc. (“BrainGate”) and its patents to the university. BrainGate™ is a company with transformative neurotechnology that uses micro-electrodes implanted in the brain to let humans operate external devices such as computers or robotic arms with just their thought. The donation of BrainGate™ will facilitate further research with the goal of developing a new generation of neurotechnologies.
In addition, Stibel has donated funds to launch the Stibel Dennett Consortium at the university, forming a research hub in part to further build upon the BrainGate™ technology and to advance the study of brain science.
“BrainGate™ is a foundational platform for BCI technologies being developed around the world, and I could think of no better place for its advancement than Tufts University,” said Stibel, brain scientist, entrepreneur, and former CEO of BrainGate, Inc. “BrainGate™ is on the cutting edge of cognitive science and implantable brain technology, and it is important to us that it is protected and responsibly developed. I believe this donation will lead to a world in which those afflicted with neurologic disease or serious injury will be able to communicate and control advanced prosthetics by using just their mind. I am thrilled to work with Tufts’ talented researchers, ethicists and professors to engineer this technology and continue to improve the quality of people’s lives.”


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Press Inquiries
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